Raphael’s Rooms is carried by a small group of health professionals, working together to integrate indications given by Rudolf Steiner for health and healing.
Our practitioners strive to work collaboratively to these aims, bringing further understanding and support to the intangible forces of a true healing process.
Dr Narelle Savage
E: narellefs@hotmail.com
M: 0411 024 313 (pls leave txt msg)
Lyn Clifton
E: Lyncliftonbsw@gmail.com
M: 0419 424 935
Julia Byrne
E: byrnefuller@optusnet.com.au
M: 0422 590 870
Vanessa Snaith
E: vanessasnaith@gmail.com
M: 0425 210 330
John Holmes
E: jholmes.acu@gmail.com
M: 0423 772 612
Lisa Devine
E: lisa.devine@bigpond.com
M: 0401 367 808
Joy Day
Community Liaison
E: joyful7days@gmail.com
M: 0451 152 227
‘From spirit heights
this child comes to us,
may we solve his/her riddles
day by day, hour by hour.’
Rudolf Steiner